In order to vote on May 22nd you’ll need to have your name included in the Register of Electors. These registers are prepared once a year by each local authority in the country.
The 2015 register was prepared at the end of 2014. To check if your name is included, fill in your details at

If you are not registered to vote yet, you can still have your name included on the Supplementary Register of Electors right up until 15 working days before referendum day, which in this case is Tuesday, May 5th at 5pm.
To do this, you’ll need to download, print and fill out this form. You must take the form to your local Garda Station (make sure to bring ID!) for authorisation before sending the completed form to your County or City Council office.
To find your nearest Garda Station, click here.
If you think you’re eligible for a postal ballot, or to be included on the Special Voters List, the deadline in both these cases is Saturday, April 25th.
Postal ballots are provided to Diplomats abroad and their families, Defence Forces Personnel, and Gardaí. They are also available to persons with a disability that may prevent them from accessing a polling station, to students who are studying away from home, prisoners, and to anyone who cannot be at home on polling day due to their occupation.
The Special Voters List is designed to cater to individuals who reside in nursing homes, hospitals or similar places and who wish to vote from there.
If you are a voter with a disability, the Department of the Environment has produced a guidebook on voting arrangements which you can read here. If your nearest polling station has an accessibility issue, you may vote at the next nearest accessible location, however to do so you must write to your local returning officer.
Below you’ll find the contact details for the Voter Registration Departments of every Local Authority in the Country. Your local office will be happy to answer any questions you have about registration.
p: 059 917 0300
p: 049 437 8600
p: 021 492 4209 (Francise Section)
p: 074 915 3900
p: 01 222 2222
p: 01 205 4880
p: 01 890 5000
p: 091 536 400
p: 091 509 000
p: 056 779 4070
p: 071 962 0005
p: 043 334 3300
p: 042 932 4211
p: 094 904 7353
p: 057 935 7402
p: 090 663 7147
p: 076 106 5000
Davitt’s Quay. Dungarvan, Co Waterford
p: 0761 10 20 20
p: 044 933 2257
e: Contact Form